How often are laminar flow hoods inspected?


The laminar flow hoods are absolutely vital machines for laboratories and are essential in medical research. These are basically enclosed worktops which scientists will have to keep completely sterile. Inside the hoods, the scientists will be able to a lot of different treatments on the cells and conduct experiments on animals while keeping not only the test animals but also the equipments absolutely safe from all the various outside contaminants. The scientists are also able to keep themselves safe from all the different threats in the hood like toxic particles and viruses. But it is essential laminar flow hoods are inspected every now and again in order to keep them sterile and also safe. In this article you will learn about how often you must inspect your laminar flow hoods.

It is of immense importance that you can keep your laminar flow hood safe so that it does not harm people who are working inside the laboratory. Laminar flow hoods basically sue air flow to ensure that the bad and contaminated air is sucked out from the laboratory and then purified. These filters are vital for ensuring the safe health of all the laboratory workers. Ideally you must inspect your laminar flow hood at least twice every year. This will ensure the optimum performance of the laminar flow hood.

What are the various components that require to be inspected?

The Filters of the laminar flow hood: The laminar flow hoods are all equipped with special filters that can trap the various particles which will flow inside the hood and then contaminate the atmosphere inside the laboratory or in any sterile environment. These filters will range from the basic air filter to other complex and high efficiency air particle filter or the HEPA filters. These require to get changed every now and then and almost regularly for ensuring that they function properly and can be effective. Also different filters have different tenure or lifespan. The HEPA filter, for instance, will last you for around three to five years. You must mark out the filters so as to understand when they must get changed.

The blower in a laminar flow hood also deserves attention. The flow hood is generally protected by sliding doors made up of glass. This will allow the scientists to get his or her particular hands inside the blower. If the window gets lifted up, then a blower will start to push all the air out. It will create a new barrier that can stop all the environmental air out of the sterile inside of the laboratory. It is vital that there are regular checkups that are conducted in order to ensure the efficacy of your blower.

The surface will also need your special attention because they need to thoroughly clean after each use. The strong acidic and alkaline substances which can ruin the surface and hence they require daily and immediate cleaning.


Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will have helped you.

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