Becoming an Image Consultant in Kuala Lumpur


Long gone are the days when only Hollywood celebrities and high-end people were the only ones hiring image consultants. Today, pretty much anyone can access such services to improve both personal and professional style and make a positive change to their appearance.

Naturally, this trend has brought alongside it a pool of career opportunities and job prospects for those who have a passion for fashion, an eye for detail and a genuine drive to helping people achieve the best possible version of themselves. Despite what one might think though, getting there involves a lot of training and education, and commitment. Before letting the excitement of this potential career unravel, it’s important to better understand what it means to succeed as an image consultant, particularly in a cosmopolitan city such as Kuala Lumpur.

The first and foremost important step is considering an image consultant training. Do not get overwhelmed about the variety of options and courses available in Kuala Lumpur. Rather focus on research and finding the most comprehensive training that will suit your needs while also looking for certain aspects such as a proven graduate success story track record and worldwide reputation.  Getting top training is an investment with top instructors who will show you how to value yourself and grow your business. Some of the best image consultant courses include but are not limited to:

  • Wardrobe consultation (both personal and professional)
  • Personal shopping
  • Color analysis
  • Body and style analysis
  • Personal grooming

In addition to these, most successful image consultants should also offer services that overlap with life coaching and public relations aspects, such as etiquette and protocol management, executive presence, media coaching, personal branding and even soft skills development.

As a newbie, it’s also important to know what to expect from the first meeting with your first client. Be prepared to have an extensive discussion around lifestyle, career and personal goals and preferences, while also bearing in mind a more objective analysis of physical features will be needed. The next step would be to engage in a conversation around current trends in Kuala Lumpur and discuss in detail where the common ground may be. The next part is typically the one most clients dread: the wardrobe sweep. It’s important to create a safe and open environment for them and not criticize or be overly subjective on their choices – after all, that is why they have requested the services of an image consultant.

From here onwards, sessions will have to be adapted according to various needs and most importantly, in line with the consultant’s expertise. However, fear not if a client requests a service that is not exactly in your portfolio. If working independently, building a solid and trusted network of partners with specific specialties will be key. Being able to refer someone to a specialist in an area such as motivational speaking will show that even though you yourself do not feel confident on advising, a proactive plan with solutions is in place to meet the customers’ needs.

A career in image consulting is extremely rewarding, but it does involve a lot of work and dedication. Most importantly, future consultants should not forget to have fun and enjoy.

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