What Are the CAT Mock Tests and How to Take CAT 2020 Mock Test Online?

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Common Admission Test (CAT) is one of the foremost asserting and ambitious MBA entrance exams in India. It’s a web test. It usually gets conducted on November 24, 2019. Each year, approximately 2 lakh pupils sit for this exam across India. In the year 2018, CAT pitched in loads of surprises for faculty students with Quantitative part because it was very difficult. But in 2019, the Quantitative section was a bit easy, and DILR was a tad bit difficult. So if you want to crack this exam, pupils should comprehensively practice mock tests which support the actual test pattern.

Mock CAT Series mirrors the pattern and difficulty of the CAT in every aspect. Such Mock CAT test papers reveal you to different kinds of test questions and facilitate your pinpoint your strengths/ weaknesses, so you’ll take the specified corrective action for a way better performance. Our robust testing engine furnishes an exhaustive question-wise analysis, but a percentile score on an all-India basis, helping you recognise your relative position with relation to various other test-conductors across India.

You should keep some of these useful tips in mind during the time of giving the CAT practice Test papers:

* The Free CAT practice Test papers are to be solved at one go with no intervals. So to get the utmost profit, divide the paper into three phases. You should always attempt the easier questions initially which can boost your confidence. In the second round, try to attend those questions which are a bit more difficult than the remainder.
* You’ve have to guarantee that there is a balance between correctness and fastness.
* Develop a talent for selecting the questions correctly. Try not to take time-consuming questions.
Always conduct an intensive investigation of your results of the practice test for CAT. It’ll facilitate you to recognize your shaky and powerful areas, and facilitate your score good marks in CAT.

CAT Mock Test – Candidates preparing for CAT 2020, must practice CAT Mock Test series to attain high percentile. Admirably, the pupil should start practising practice test papers for the CAT exam from September, after completing the huge test syllabus. These particular online CAT mock tests for practice helps the aspirants in getting accustomed to the particular exam pattern as they’re arranged exactly like an actual CAT question paper, including login, section-wise MCQs, timer, on-screen calculator, etc.

Why Take Mock Test for CAT?
Taking the free CAT mock test online is vital for test-takers because the same is designed to assist candidates in getting a feel of the particular CAT question paper. Also, the mock test will help candidates in identifying their weaknesses and analysing their respective position.

Online CAT Mock Test: Benefits
Solving online mock tests for cat preparation has many benefits. A number of them are listed below:
* It helps the candidate in understanding the web process of CAT exam.
* Since it’s a dummy for actual CAT exam, the candidates get to familiarize themselves with each step they have to grasp so as to proceed correctly during the exam.
* CAT mock tests provide a good understanding of question paper pattern and marking scheme.
* CAT online mock tests will guarantee your improvement regarding your correctness and swiftness in solving the paper
* The more mock tests you may practice, the higher you may get at solving all styles of questions – tough, easy, lengthy or tricky.
* Practicing mock tests helps you in discovering tricks and shortcuts of solving the CAT question paper in the least time.

Official Mock Test for CAT
The official CAT mock exam papers are available on the official website of CAT. The candidates can go online to the official website and access the mock test by using their login credentials. Given below is that the walk-through of CAT mock test for reference.

CAT mock test-walk through
Candidates can log in using their number and password. A standstill number and a fake password have already been provided. Candidates can directly proceed by clicking on ‘Sign In’.

CAT Mock Test will facilitate you to urge an inspiration about the sort of questions which will be asked, the exam pattern and marking scheme. After appearing for the test, you can check your score immediately. You can download the Question Paper with solved answers and their explanations at no cost.

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