Advantages and disadvantages of polished granite worktops

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Granite Worktops frequently come in some different finishes. Most granite slabs are polished to a high sheen before being shipped to the manufacturer, but this brilliance can either be left or removed from the stone in a process called lapping. Polished granite has a very different look of polished granite, appeal to those who hate the glare of high mirror polished stone. Polished granite may also have some disadvantages that might make some homeowners think twice before buying.

Benefits of the look of polished granite

Polished granite has a flat matte finish with little or no shine. This call for those who want an old aged or firm look of their kitchen world, and for those who hate the formal aspect that can give polished granite. Most of the color of granite has been polished; light reflects off the polished surface, deepening the color of the stone. Therefore, a polished granite worktop has a duller color with a less dramatic variation. For homeowners who like subtle movement in their work plans without dramatic color changes or veins, polished granite can give that look.

Less polished granite appearance

In addition to deepening the color of the stone and give it a shiny appearance, polishing granite also hides natural fissures, pits and other brands in stone. When light is reflected in a stone that has many small stands, the only way to see these pits is to look at the stone of the angle or light down. When the varnish has been removed from the stone, the reflection of light is both removed. For stones with a uniform texture, it is not a problem, but for stones with multiple punctures or cracks, these imperfections become extremely sensitive. Ask a sample of the stone you are planning to be polite. If it is prone to small pits and fissures, it should be immediately perceptible before perfecting the whole slab.

Benefits of maintaining polished granite

Polished granite and polished granite are virtually identical in their makeup structure, density and porosity. This means that the polishing or honing stone will not make it more or less likely to stain, scratch or otherwise become significant over time. Some sharp stones, such as absolute black granite, are popular for their softer appearance. Stones as Absolute Black require no cleaning or special sealing when polished or polite. Stones that do not require sealing or special cleaners, such as certain light colored marbles, will not require more regular maintenance when sharpened.

Less maintenance of polished granite

While the polished granite is not likely to spot more frequently than polished granite, it is more difficult to keep clean. Water, oil and other forms of moisture temporarily create a polished look on the stone, it’s color darkening as if it had been polished. Fingerprints, spilled liquids or oil stain the surface of the stone, creating a dark area which can be extremely sensitive, depending on the color of the work plan and the size of the stain. The fingerprints on dark stones honed absolute Black or as Pietra appear vividly though they may appear less on a lighter stone-sharp Bianco Romano. These can be easily erased, but they affect the appearance of the work plan. Pyramid Granite Distribution is the supplier of  cheap and best quality Kitchen Granite Worktops.

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