WhatsApp Features: If you are also a WhatsApp user and you are always worried about your privacy, today in this article we are going to tell you about four amazing settings that will be very useful for you.
WhatsApp Privacy: Instant messaging app is very popular among WhatsApp users, if you are always worried about security and privacy, then for people’s information, we tell you these four amazing features that WhatsApp has to take care of users’ privacy. Will see you. Today in this article we are going to tell you about these four WhatsApp features Going to tell about, what are these features and how you can use them.
Status Privacy: You are definitely giving status on WhatsApp, but if you don’t want to share your status with everyone for privacy reasons, then WhatsApp also has a great feature available for that. With this feature, you can share your status only with people in your contact list.
Hide online status: If you are also worried about privacy, let us inform you that some time ago WhatsApp brought a useful feature for its users. Sometimes it happens that we are chatting with someone on WhatsApp, then we show other users online, but sometimes the situation is that we don’t want anyone to know that we are online. This feature is brought to solve this problem of users.
With this feature, users can now hide their online show activity. That is, after turning on this feature, no one will know about it even if you are online.
Read the receipt: Due to privacy, if you want to hide whether you have read the message sent by the other person or not, WhatsApp also has an amazing feature available for that. If you don’t want anyone to read your message, you can disable this feature if this feature is already enabled. For this you need to turn off the Read receipt option by going to Settings > Account > Privacy.
Profile Photo: Previously users had no option, if they wanted to hide their profile picture from someone, they had to remove their DP i.e. display picture, but now this feature has been added keeping users’ privacy in mind. After the app introduced this feature, now you can hide your photos from the people you want without deleting them.
Go to Settings and click on Accounts and then in Privacy option you will see an option for profile photo which as soon as you click on it you will get Everyone, My Contacts, Except My Contacts and Nobody options.
Reference Link to the Article: https://pkbnews.in/this-is-how-whatsapp-protects-your-privacy-note-these-4-useful-settings/
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